Back to School with Malco’s HVAC Starter Kit

27th September 2018 • Categories: HVAC, Customization

Malco's Deluxe HVAC Starter Kit with 29 pieces showing everything included

When the calendar turns to September, that only means one thing for a lot of us—it’s back to school time! For those of you entering a trade school or beginning a career in HVAC, Malco has the perfect item to get you off on the right foot—the HVAC Starter Kit.

This 16 piece kit comes with 14 Tools and FREE bags of Zip-in and Bit-Tip Screws kitted in a TB1 Soft-Sided Tool Bag or TBP33 Tool Backpack. Malco’s HVAC Starter Kit outfits you with all of the essential equipment that you’ll need to begin learning the HVAC trade, and for those of you who are just out of school and are starting out as an HVAC apprentice, you’ll have all the tools you need right at your fingertips and all in one place.

Getting all the tools needed for a job can be difficult, fortunately, most of our wholesale distributors have the tools you need either individually or everything you need in a durable bag or backpack. The Malco HVAC Starter Tool Kit includes all the tools needed and comes in a professionally engineered bag to keep them all in one convenient place and is easy to transport from one job site to another.

The HVAC Starter Kit comes with a five-blade pipe crimper, a snap lock punch, a hand notcher, a hand seamer, a folding tool, a divider, left and right cut aviation snips, a pattern snip, a scratch awl, a setting hammer, an offset duct stretcher, a turbo shear, a hole cutter, and the 100 packs of zip-ins and bit-tips.

Malco also offers a Deluxe HVAC Starter Kit. The deluxe kit includes 27 Tools and FREE bags of Zip-in and Bit-Tip Screws. Additional tools in the deluxe kit include extra snips, awls, a dead blow hammer, a magnetic tape measure, a hex key set, magnetic hex and hex chuck drivers and reversible driver.  Tools are kitted in a TB1 Soft-Sided Tool Bag or TBP33 Tool Backpack. For those of you who are out of school and actually out in the field, we recommend the deluxe kit, as it has extra tools that you will need at some point as an HVAC technician.

It gets even better—if you purchase either the 16-Piece Starter Kit or the 29-piece deluxe kit, you get our awesome 18-pocket Tool Bag for FREE. If you build your own custom tool kit to reflect your unique market or classroom needs (HVAC, metal roofing, fiber cement siding, vinyl siding or more), you receive 50% off of a Malco Tool Backpack.

Malco would like to extend a hearty congratulations to all of you starting out in trade school this fall—you’re starting out on a path that leads to a rewarding and successful career. To those of you who have finished school and are starting out in the HVAC field, we wish you nothing but success. We promise you that Malco’s HVAC Starter Kit and Deluxe HVAC Starter Kit will give you a giant leg up.

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